Mediterranean shock, voluble, expansive, eccentric, adventurer, this angel is not one we believe. Singer in the musical "Hair" at age 20, she appeared in several films of Jacques Rozier is also the "girl with the heels" of the clip "The demons of the midnight" of group Image . Model in Paris, Hamburg and Berlin, all of a sudden she runs away and goes around the two Americas, back across Europe, the Middle East to India ... to stop every single av ec her heels and her 7 suitcases stuffed hats!
The 70's saw it as a pop singer, in the 80's rock singer, the 90's rather lyrical (in his time: also a journalist and professor of literature). Chastened by 2000? Surely not. This privileged relationship with his daughter and excite the musical legacy. So change the registry when accompanying his voice hoarse as pulse energy and health and primitive.
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